End of life feeding: which way?
Food, Terminal ill, Palliative careAbstract
Food is permanently present in our lives, necessary for reasons of survival and guided by psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual aspects. Due to the advancement of the disease and the dietary changes that arise at this stage of life, food becomes even more complex and is often a topic of controversy between the sick person, the family and health professionals, namely the nurse, who is present at all times related to this life activity (AL). Dietary changes often lead to the questioning of those involved about the most appropriate interventions and pondering the use of artificial nutrition and hydration. This article presents a critical analysis based on a review of the literature on eating disorders and the artificial eating and hydration controversy at this stage of life, reflecting the complexity of this phenomenon. It is concluded that end-of-life feeding should be an individualized process whit the person, maximizing comfort.
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