The patient's oncological history


  • Nuno Filipe de Oliveira Gil Salgado Serviço de Radioterapia do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Coimbra, Coimbra



cancer, oncological story, links between people, family, hospital, radiotherapy, nursing


The experience of cancer is particularly marked by a dense therapeutic itinerary, scheduled, of sucessive treatment steps, crossing a variety of clinical settings and with a diachronic nature. Current concepts on hospital humanization emphasize the positive contribution of family ties in the treatment and in their own re-conceptualization of a hospital. The ties between patients themselves and their affective relationships are, actually, transformed during an oncological history.
The main objective of this paper is to understand how the humanization is constituted by the ties between people (without which the human character of humanization does not exist) and how these ties potentiate the therapeutic efficacy, including how the relationship with the hospital can qualify their own family, in a shared oncological story where all family members have a role. For this, we observed the dynamics of family relations as a case-study and concluded that the way these ties are qualified is what gives meaning to the oncological history and that ties are the most consistent integrative strategy for both patients and their own family in their own oncological history.


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How to Cite

Filipe de Oliveira Gil Salgado N. The patient’s oncological history. Onco.News [Internet]. 2011 Oct. 27 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];(18):23-32. Available from:



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