Patient Discharge, adaptation and quality of life of people undergoing total laryngectomy: integrative literature review
Total laryngectomy, adaptation, Quality of Life, Patient Discharge, Nursing care, Postoperative periodAbstract
Background: Laryngeal cancer is a worldwide public health problem, with surgery being the most common treatment for this type of cancer. People submitted to total laryngectomy will experience complex changes in their lives, with a growing concern os nurses with the adaptation and quality of life of people in the postoperative period being verified, when they return home. Objective: Identify which domains impact the adaptation of the person undergoing total laryngectomy, and which may reflect the main difficulties experienced when returning home. Methodological Procedures of Integrative Review: Integrative review of the literature, according to the PICo variant, with the research question: “What are the domains that impact the adaptation of the patient submitted to a total laryngectomy when returning home?” The research was conducted in January 2020, in the CINAHL® and MEDLINE® Complete databases. Results: 42 articles were identified, which after applying the inclusion criteria, 4 were selected for analysis and data extraction. Conclusion: The integrative review allowed to answer the research question and to identifying different domains that impact the adaptation of the person submitted to total laryngectomy and that translate into
the difficulties felt by people when returning home. It was possible to aggregate these domains into 5 groups: Physical Function, Role Function, Social Function, Emotional / Psychological Function and Global Health Status.
keywords: Total Laryngectomy, Adaptation, Quality of Life, Patient Discharge,
Nursing care, Postoperative period
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