Nursing care to the patient undergoing retromolar trigone surgery


  • Luciana Esteves IPO Lisboa, Lisboa
  • Rita Nunes IPO Lisboa, Lisboa


Retromolar trigone, head and neck Cirgury, pelviglossomandibulectomy, osteoradionecrosis


The retromolar trigone cancer has a low incidence on population. However, when it occurs it can lead to several visual and functional changes.
These changes can be minimized by using the appropriate treatment and by doing a follow-up on pre, intra and post surgery phases during the immediate and late period.
Nursing care given to a patient that has been submitted to retromolar trigone cancer surgery is supported by theory, research and by professional experience in the area.


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How to Cite

Esteves L, Nunes R. Nursing care to the patient undergoing retromolar trigone surgery. Onco.News [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];(29):8-13. Available from:



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