Phenomenological analysis of “person” in your dimension "relationship"


  • M. Jorge Freitas Almeida Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, Francisco Gentil, EPE, Porto



Ethics, Inter-personal relationship, Being ethical


The relationship between a health professional and a patient should settle in a “ethical universe”, informed consent and respect for the intimacy and dignity of the patient, as a human being. This relationship has 3 different dimensions: one socio-economic (legal point of view), one technical-scientific and a help based relationship between nurse and patient. It is in this last dimension that the author analyses phenomenological the concept of a person, putting in perspective as a model of values and as a individual model of “person-value”. Being, on the concept of embracing a person, the author analyses a double ethical perspective: the relationship with “himself ” and with the “others”, regarding his “being” universal.


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How to Cite

Freitas Almeida MJ. Phenomenological analysis of “person” in your dimension "relationship". Onco.News [Internet]. 2008 Nov. 17 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];(07):10-9. Available from:



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