Psycho-educational group: innovative model in the support of breast cancer patients


  • Maria do Céu Airosa Meneses Clínica Mama IPO-Porto, Porto
  • Elvira Esteves Clínica Mama IPO-Porto, Porto
  • Isabel Silva Clínica Mama IPO-Porto, Porto
  • Lucinda Vilas Boas Clínica Mama IPO-Porto, Porto
  • Elisabete Sousa Valério Clínica Mama IPO-Porto, Porto



Psycho-educated groups, education/information, change


During the assistential nursing care model we must not only worry about the disease but also with the cares of the patients.
The autonomy and responsibility of the therapeutical relationship creates an environment of trust and confidentiality for the patient. Psycho-educated groups started from this environment based on Education/Information of the patients with breast cancer which were proposed for this surgical treatment.
We believe we are crucial for the changes of cares on these patients.


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How to Cite

Airosa Meneses M do C, Esteves E, Silva I, Vilas Boas L, Sousa Valério E. Psycho-educational group: innovative model in the support of breast cancer patients. Onco.News [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];(13):16-21. Available from:



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