Central venous access of peripheral insertion and fully implanted, manipulation and optimization


  • Albertina Santos Centro de Oncologia, Hospital da Luz
  • Cristina Santos Serviço de Hematologia, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra
  • Maria Girão Hospital de Dia, Hospital Internacional dos Açores
  • Carine Lopes Centro de Oncologia, Hospital da Luz de Coimbra, Coimbra
  • Inês Claro Hospital de Dia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve, Portimão
  • Susana Gonçalves Hospital de Dia-Adultos, Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, Porto
  • Susana Silva Oncologia Médica, Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto, Porto
  • Esmeralda Barreira Clínica de Patologia do Pulmão, Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5880-1669


Venous access, CVCTI, PICC, Catheter, Good practices


Oncology treatments have been increasing, both in number and in complexity. The existence of a safe central vascular access suitable for the therapy to be performed is essential, promoting best practice in the care of cancer patients.

The fully implanted central venous catheter allows the safe administration of antineoplastic therapies with a low risk of complications and a positive impact on the quality of life of the person with oncological pathology. More recently, peripherally inserted central catheter, being less invasive, has demonstrated proven benefits for the patient and health care management. However, it still needs more publicity.

Although there are several international recommendations regarding the maintenance and optimization of central vascular access, doubts still persist in clinical practice. This fact motivated this bibliographic research to develop skills in this area of intervention.


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How to Cite

Santos A, Santos C, Girão M, Lopes C, Claro I, Gonçalves S, et al. Central venous access of peripheral insertion and fully implanted, manipulation and optimization. Onco.News [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 29];(44):6-11. Available from: https://onco.news/index.php/journal/article/view/2

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