Approach to paraneoplastic hyperhidrosis in palliative care: a literature review
Sweating, Hyperhidrosis, Palliative Care, Palliative Medicine, Hospice CareAbstract
Introduction: This article reviews the current scientific evidence on the approach to paraneoplastic hyperhidrosis in patients receiving palliative care.
Methods: Our search was conducted in MEDLINE/Pubmed®, Cochrane, DARE®, BMJ EBM®, NICE®, CMAJ® and Bandolier, using the MeSH terms “Sweating”, “Hyperhidrosis”, “Palliative Care”, and “Palliative Medicine”. We used the Oxford scale to assess the quality of the included studies.
Results: This review includes 13 articles on the therapeutic approach to paraneoplastic hyperhidrosis using the following interventions: thioridazine, thalidomide, olanzapine, gabapentin, cannabinoids, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. We obtained heterogeneous results and, while these interventions are in general beneficial for controlling paraneoplastic hyperhidrosis in palliative care, no robust evidence exists that unequivocally demonstrates one approach is more beneficial than another.
Conclusions: At present, the available evidence on the therapeutic approach to paraneoplastic hyperhidrosis in palliative care has low quality (Level of Evidence 4; Strength of Recommendation C).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sandra Ribeiro, Sara Inês Sousa, Sara Ferreira , Michael Luis

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