Impact of head and neck cancer on quality of life: reflective analysis


  • Susana Miguel Serviço de CCP/ORL, IPO Lisboa, Lisboa
  • Mercedes Gudiño Serviço de CCP/ORL, IPO Lisboa, Lisboa
  • Andreia Silva Serviço de CCP/ORL, IPO Lisboa, Lisboa



Cancer Impact, Head and Neck Cancer, Quality of Life, Survivors


Head and Neck Cancer’s impact implies important changes affecting patient’s life style significantly, in the way that there may be changes in body image, breathing, mastication and communication. Head and Neck cancer survival has been increasing, as a result of an early diagnosis and treatment effectiveness, consequently increasing also the concern with these people’s quality of life. We intend to reflect about this survivor’s theme, analyzing the impact of cancer in the individual and his family and in the consequent quality of life changes, aiming a better nursing care.


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How to Cite

Miguel S, Gudiño M, Silva A. Impact of head and neck cancer on quality of life: reflective analysis. Onco.News [Internet]. 2013 Nov. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];(25):23-30. Available from:



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