Transição experienciada pelo casal que vive com ostomia por cancro colorretal: protocolo de investigação




Casal, Cônjuges, Ostomia, Neoplasia Colorretal, Processo de Transição


Introdução: viver com ostomia de eliminação intestinal (OEI) por cancro colorretal (CCR) altera a vida da pessoa e o projeto de vida do casal, depreendendo-se que a transição que aquela experiencia é também vivenciada pelo casal. Esta vivência é reconhecida na literatura, no entanto, não se identificam estudos sobre este processo no casal. Tal evidência será relevante para a enfermagem, assumindo-se ser sua missão facilitar processos de transição.

Objetivo: compreender como o casal vivencia o processo de transição desencadeado por CCR e OEI definitiva.

Métodos: estudo enquadrado no paradigma interpretativo, recorrendo-se ao método da Grounded Theory Strausseriana. Os participantes serão recrutados através do internamento cirúrgico e da consulta de estomaterapia de um hospital a sul de Portugal. Recorrer-se-á à entrevista semi-estruturada e ao Photovoice como técnicas de recolha de dados. Os dados serão analisados através do método das comparações constantes e envolverá três níveis de codificação: aberta, axial e seletiva.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografias Autor

Ricardo Sousa Mestre, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa/Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa; Unidade Local de Saúde do Algarve, Faro, Portugal 3 Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Lisboa

Ricardo Sousa Mestre, Nurse Coordinator at the University Hospital Centre of the Algarve (since 2018); PhD student in Nursing in the Doctoral Program in Nursing at the University of Lisbon; Master in Health Psychology (2011) and Master in Health Unit Management (2021) by the University of Algarve, Specialist Nurse in Community Nursing by the Higher School of Health of Beja; Registered Nurse (2004). He worked as a nurse in primary health care (2004-2007) and in physical rehabilitation units (2007-2018). He has several communications in the area of nursing care for ostomised patients. Research interests: Nursing, Oncological Nursing, Health Unit Management, Nursing Decision Making.

Célia Simão de Oliveira, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Lisboa; Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa

Célia Simão de Oliveira, professor, and member of the Technical-scientific Board of the Lisbon Nursing School; member of the Scientific Council of Nursing, of the University of Lisbon and professor in the Doctoral Program in Nursing at this university. PhD in Nursing from the University of Lisbon (2011) and MS in Nursing Sciences, from the Catholic University of Portugal (1998); Nurse Specialist in Medical-surgical Nursing (1991, bachelor’s degree); Registered Nurse (1980). Work experience in nursing education (bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels) since 1985; lectured and coordinated courses and undergraduate programs, supervised and co-supervised monographs, master's dissertations and reports and doctoral theses. Worked as registered nurse (1980/1985) in the provision of direct nursing care in emergency and intensive care units. Researcher interests: Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing, Competence of Nursing Students. Member of the Council of Portuguese Nurses; Full member of the European Academy of Nursing Sciences.

Patricia Vinheiras Alves, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Lisboa

Patrícia Vinheiras Alves, professor, and member of the pedagogical board of the Lisbon Nursing School; member of Nursing Research, Innovation and Development Centre of Lisbon of the Lisbon Nursing School; PhD in Nursing from the University of Lisbon (2021); Master in Nursing Sciences from the Catholic University of Portugal (2011); Master in Education Sciences from the University of Lisbon (2006), Nurse Specialist in Medical-surgical Nursing from the Catholic University of Portugal (2009); Registered Nurse (1996). Work experience in nursing education (degree course and master's levels) since 2004; lectured in undergraduate courses and programs, supervised and co-supervised monographs, dissertations and reports of master's and doctoral thesis. Coordinates the Master's Degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the area of Nursing for person in a palliative situation and the 1st year of the Degree Course at the Nursing School of Lisbon. Worked as a nurse (1996-2005) providing direct nursing care in cardiology and intensive care units and in a medical unit. She has made several communications and publications in books and national and international journals, namely in the field of palliative care, oncology nursing and decision-making in nursing. Research interests: Nursing, Palliative Care, Oncology Nursing, Nursing Decision Making.



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Como Citar

Mestre RES, Oliveira CMGS de, Alves PV. Transição experienciada pelo casal que vive com ostomia por cancro colorretal: protocolo de investigação. Onco.News [Internet]. 15 de Outubro de 2024 [citado 22 de Outubro de 2024];(49):e0260. Disponível em:



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