Effective communication in the person undergoing total laryngectomy
Total laryngectomy, Impaired communication, Nursing interventions, Therapeutic strategiesAbstract
Introduction: Total laryngectomy causes multiple physical, social and physiological changes, the most notable being loss of laryngeal voice. Ineffective communication can compromise the quality of nursing care.
Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence related to nursing interventions and therapeutic strategies that promote effective communication in people undergoing total laryngectomy.
Methodology: Integrative literature review, giving to the "PIO" model, according to the research question: "What are the nursing interventions and therapeutic strategies that promote effective communication in people undergoing total laryngectomy?". The selection of studies took place on 8 January 2021 and involved research in the databases CINAHL® and MEDLINE® Complete and Google Scholar. All types of studies, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, published between 2013 and 2020 were included.
Results: 77 studies were identified and 5 were selected for analysis and data extraction.
Conclusions: The integrative review allowed to answer the research question, identifying different nursing interventions and therapeutic strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Joana Rocha Silva, Ana Bárbara Castro, Sónia Gandra Machado, Patrícia Carolina Silva

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