e-ISSN: 2183-6914
No. 44 (2022): Onco.News 44 Journal (january-june)

Presentation of Issue 44
- Editorial – Susana Miguel, WG Oncosurgery Coordinator
- Central venous access of peripheral insertion and fully implanted, manipulation and optimization – Albertina Santos, Cristina Santos, Maria Girão, Carine Lopes, Inês Claro, Susana Gonçalves, Susana Silva, Esmeralda Barreira
- Care for the person submitted to the administration of iodo131 as therapeutic in thyroid tumors – Cristiana Jesus, Anabela Almeida, Pedro Cardoso
- Patient-reported outcomes (PRO’s) integration in oncology nursing consultation: iQualMyVida pilot project – Sandra Ponte, Leonor Vasconcelos de Matos, Sara Teixeira, Sónia Nunes
- Effective communication in the person undergoing total laryngectomy – Joana Rocha Silva, Ana Bárbara Castro, Sónia Gandra Machado, Patrícia Carolina Silva
- Epidemiological profile of hospitalizations for malignant stomach neoplasia registered by the united health system in the state of minas gerais – Brazil – Ana Laura Stefani, Stefan Vilges Oliveira