Predictive factors of chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in colorectal cancer: role of polymorphisms in genes mediating the inflammatory response
Oral mucositis, genetic polymorphisms, colorectal cancer, chemotherapy, inflammationAbstract
From a consecutive series of colorectal cancer patients treated with chemotherapy (n=108), a case-control study was performed, to establish the role of genetic polymorphisms in genes modulating the inflammatory response in the evolution of oral mucositis (OM). However, other variables influencing the individual risk for oral mucositis were included for study. No differences are observed both in gender, mean age of participants, body mass index, diabetes mellitus, dental prosthesis, smoking, alcohol consumption and hematological data changes between cases and controls. Earlier OM was reported in a higher proportion of cases (35%) (vs 0% in controls, p≤0.001). The TNF-α -308A allele appeared to be associated with a decreased risk for oral mucositis onset (OR=0.266; 95%CI: 0.073-0.964) in colorectal cancer patients treated with chemotherapy. Further studies should be conducted as this may represent a risk marker for this important side-effect after chemotherapy, in a way that may enable to submit patients to preventive strategies and early diagnosis.
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