Caring in Oncology: difficulties, strategies and challenges in the relationship between nurses and cancer patients - the particular case of an acute hospital


  • Ângela Sofia Lopes Simões Serviço de Cirurgia de Mulheres, Hospital Amato Lusitano, Castelo Branco



relationship, nurses, cancer patient


This paper is a synthesis of the master final research project presented at the University of Salamanca for completion of the Master in Support Treatment and Palliative Care in the Cancer Patient. This is a descriptive, exploratory study to analyze the difficulties, challenges and strategies in the relationship of nurses with cancer patients in acute hospitals.
Resorted to the technique analysis of content that allowed us to describe the main difficulties that nurses face in relation to the patient with cancer as they perform their duties in an acute service. This work made possible reflection on the key issues that have been raised and propose viable solutions that could improve the quality of care provided to cancer patients and their family.


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How to Cite

Sofia Lopes Simões Ângela. Caring in Oncology: difficulties, strategies and challenges in the relationship between nurses and cancer patients - the particular case of an acute hospital. journal [Internet]. 2011 Jul. 7 [cited 2024 May 16];(17):19-2. Available from:



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