Health-promoting behaviors after cancer
neoplasms, health behavior, chronic disease, health promotionAbstract
Theoretical framework: Victims of a chronic disease, cancer survivors experience a rehabilitation process, and more than social reintegration, they are required to re-incorporate activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Objectives: Explore the current state of scientific knowledge related to health promotion behaviors in cancer survivors, developing a conceptual map about the level of involvement of survivors in health promotion behaviors.
Methodology: The methodology used was a literature review, based on the models of the Institute Joanna Briggs for Scoping Reviews.
Results: The identified behaviors focus on the practice of physical exercise, healthy eating and adequate nutritional support, maintenance of weight, management of health professionals recommendations and drug regimens, stress management, regular screenings and check-ups, adjusting to the new lifestyle, social support, and spirituality.
Conclusion: There is conflicting information on the level of survivor involvement in health promotion behaviors. These conflicts oblige the scientific community to deepen the data presented in more homogenous populations of survivors.
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