Of information and skill learning in mastectomized women
mastectomy, inform, training, learning capabilitiesAbstract
Breast cancer and its treatment bring the woman physical and psychological consequences widely described by literature. National and European policies in health concept identifies the person as an active partner in health and recovery. In the mastectomized woman with lymphedema, it’s described: reduced movement range, reduced strength, joint stiffness, edema and lymphedema of the same side limb with consequences for the women and society. The process of hospital clearance and development of abilities in patients, are key aspects to their empowerment. The accessibility to information, instruction and training of the exercises that allow the recovery of the functional capability of the same sided limb are key aspects of good professional practice. This study, qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, had as goals: i) understanding the information transmitted by the health care team for the learning of abilities by the woman; ii) understanding which resources and strategies they used to overcome their difficulties. The context of this study was the breast consults of a hospital in Porto, a sample of 12 women already performed mastectomy, with lymphoadenectomy and chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. Data collection was done through a semi-structured interview. Results: 50% got informed about the illness, 83,3% about the treatment, given by the consult doctor; information from the nurses in internment about cares with the arm (75%); 75% got a brochure with exercises to do with the arm, at the physical therapy service; 66,6% where informed about cares to have with the affected arm, with weights and efforts related with complication prevention; 16,6% watched other patients exercise and 33,3% watched their physical therapist exemplify the exercises. Only 25% says they understand the importance of these exercises, so it becomes important the restructure of a guiding catalogue for the development of the learning of abilities in this field.
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