Sexuality in ostomised patients: exploratory study
sexuality, stoma, ostomatesAbstract
The stoma affects various spheres of a person’s life including his/her sexuality and his/ her partner. The topic sexuality covers a lot of aspects that range from subjectivity and which involve perceptions and meanings. An ostomate has to cope with physical, psychological and social changes that have implications in his/her self-care – in diet, in the process of elimination, in hygienic care – and in his/her family, social and professional life. Using the PEO - Perceived Effect of an Ostomy - Ilsa, L. Peter, J., 1995 - intended is to describe the main aspects of sexuality in diseased with ostomy. Either the sexual interest, either until behavior of a purely emotional, include among those who generate a greater degree of concern in these subjects. In addition, were also evaluated the daily activities, self-esteem and care with the ostomy, noting that the powers of social relationship, interest in the life and the perception of solitude show as responsible for a high degree of concern. Regarding the influence of the genus and condition observed labor-women with ostomy show a less concern with the various dimensions of their sexuality, having-is also concluded that the subjects that are still professionally assets, show a less concern either with sexuality, either with the everyday activities, self-esteem and care with ostomy. Were found statistically significant correlations between all the dimensions of PEO - Perceived Effect of an Ostomy - sexuality, everyday activities, self esteem and care with ostomy.
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