About the Journal

Onco.News is a scientific journal edited by the AEOP - Associação de Enfermagem Oncológica Portuguesa (Portuguese Oncology Nursing Association). The journal has adopted continuous publication and publishes two issues a year (june and december).

It aims at students, researchers, and health and education professionals and disseminates knowledge produced in oncology nursing with a scientific impact on nursing. All articles are required to have scientific depth, be original and demonstrate their importance to Portuguese and International Oncology.

The journal does not charge article processing and/or article submission fees to authors.

The Onco.News is in the process of transitioning from a website to the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. While the complete archive is not available in this new platform, readers can access it here.

Current Issue

No. 50 (2025): Onco.News Journal (January-June)
					View No. 50 (2025): Onco.News Journal (January-June)

Presentation of Issue 50

  • Patient Safety Culture: professionals’ perception of an oncology surgery hospitalization - Patrícia Joana Fortunato França Simões, Elsa Clara Zagalo Miranda, Ivo Cristiano Soares Paiva
  • Interventional Radiology Nursing: an Evolving competence - Davide Fernandes
  • Competencies of nurses in clinical trials: Integrative review of literature - Alexandra Silva, Michelle Cruz, Nuno Araújo
  • Nursing interventions for people at risk of venous thromboembolism associated with chemotherapy: Scoping Review - Ana Isabel Robalo Lopes Marcelino, Patrícia Matos Martins, Ana Inês Almeida Frade, Susana Sofia Abreu Miguel, Maria Alexandra Pinto Santos da Costa
Published: 2025-01-15

Original Articles

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