e-ISSN: 2183-6914
About the Journal
Onco.News is a scientific journal edited by the Portuguese Oncological Nursing Association (AEOP). The journal has adopted continuous publication and publishes two issues a year (June and December).
It is aimed at students and researchers, Health and Education professionals and disseminates scientific Oncology Nursing knowledge, with an impact on the scientific development of nursing. Articles must have a scientific quality, be original and demonstrate relevance to scientific advancement in the National and International Oncology field.
Journal History
It was created in January 2008. Its development has allowed access to several indexes and the transition from a periodical and physically printed publication to available in open access, digital and online format.
Since January 2016, only the electronic version was published and was create a specific website for the Journal. In 2022, the Journal will take a qualitative leap and adopt the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform to manage the editorial flow fully.
Editorial Policy
The journal publishes original articles (original papers), systematic and integrative review articles (review papers), theoretical articles (Theoretical articles), Clinical Case Studies, Non-Research articles (non-Research articles) and Editorials (Editorials). The journal accepts the submission of papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English. In articles whose original language is not written in English, it is mandatory to include the title, abstract and keywords in that language.
Original Articles/Research – Reports original work that involves a theoretical-practical approach referring to conclusive research results. They present the sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Background/Theoretical Foundation, Research Questions, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.
Theoretical Articles – Authors use theory to verify the validity of a theory, either to refute it or to present a new approach (from the perspective of those who build it). Sections are presented: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Background/Theoretical Foundation, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.
Systematic Review Articles - It is a method used to evaluate data from different studies. It collects all empirical evidence that meets pre-defined eligibility criteria to answer a specific question. They present the sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Objectives, Systematic Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.
Integrative Review Articles – It is a method that synthesises knowledge and incorporates the applicability of results of significant studies in practice. They present the sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Objectives, Integrative Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliographic References.
Non-research articles - These are articles that describe ideas and experiences that can be adapted by professionals with training in the area and applied or tested in environments different from the author. This format is also suitable for projects that started as surveys but had a small sample size. Articles must contain an unstructured text, abstract of no more than 150 words, covering the article's main points. Non-research articles must include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Development and Conclusion.
Editorials - Editorials convey opinions on any relevant issue of the journal. They discuss an article in the same journal, a recent discovery published elsewhere, or a specific topic of scientific importance. Editors request editorials. Editorials usually contain around 1500 words, not considering the list of references and notes. A table or figure will be allowed if necessary.
Case Study: The case study is a type of research that results in an article in which the research objective seeks to analyze a specific problem. Investigates a current phenomenon from a real context and use multiple evidence sources. Case studies must have sections: Title, Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Conclusion, and Bibliographic References (if applicable).
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available provides a greater global exchange of knowledge. The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC-SA). It allows users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link articles entirely or use them for any other legal purpose without asking the publisher or author for permission. This is in line with the BOAI's definition of open access.
Digital Preservation Policy
This journal is digitally preserved through the Public Knowledge Project (PKP PN).